Give Help

Donate Food

Donating ambient food (tins and packets) and toiletries

A HUGE THANK YOU to all our supporters who continue to donate to the Food Bank.

We are facing increasing demand as the country experiences its highest inflation for 30 years. Currently we are supporting over 100 families/single people a week and we expect this to increase over the coming months.
Over 90% of the food distributed by foodbanks in The Trussell Trust network is donated by the public

– that’s why your food donations are absolutely vital to our ability to give everyone referred to us a balanced and nutritious three day supply of food.

We know that the cost of living is still putting a lot of pressure on household budgets, and it’s harder to give food than before. But, please keep giving – even if it’s just one tin every week – EVERY TIN (OR PACKET) HELPS!

And there are now many locations around Rochdale where you can donate food. Below is our ‘Shopping List’ of all the items that go into our Emergency Food Parcels. Just choose items that you would like to put in your own shopping basket!

Please check the foods we are short of or urgently need to see if you are able to help with any of these items.

Rochdale in-store donation points

Address  Opening hours Donation point
Silk Street, Sudden
OL11 3ER
Please see website for latest times Store entry – near the security position
Dane Street
Please see website for latest times Please ask in-store
285 Kingsway
Please see website for latest times Please ask in-store

Tesco, Asda and Morrisons in-store donation points are intended for food that has been purchased in-store. Any food that has been purchased in a different store and brought into the store should be sealed by the donor and clearly labelled as having been purchased elsewhere.

Non-store donation points


You can deliver your food donations directly to our warehouse, as an alternative to using our FoodGiftBox collection system.

Rochdale Foodbank Warehouse
The opening times are;
Monday to Friday, 10:00am – Midday

The service area access is via Newgate – stop at the barrier and use the intercom to notify security you require access to drop off donations to Rochdale foodbank. Follow the road round to the left – the drop off point is located on the left hand side of the loading bay area. Please ring the bell or call 03001021646 – for assistance. If you have a large donation please call the above number in advance.

To arrange pick up of donations please email:[email protected] or Tel: 03001021646

Please contact us if you have any questions about donating food.

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Address  Opening hours Parking