News and Events
10 Oct 22
Official Relocation Event
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Our new premises was officially opened on Friday 7th October. The event was attended by local dignitaries including the Mayor, Councillor Ali Ahmed and Tony Lloyd our MP. Many past and present volunteers including the Food Bank founders also attended and all their hard work over the past 10 years was acknowledged.
30 Jul 22
We Have Moved
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We have moved to our new premises. Our new address is; 14-16 Newgate Rochdale OL16 1BA We are open as usual on Monday (1st August) at to support our clients.
24 Mar 22
Thank You St Andrews Dearnley
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Thank You to the parishioners of St Andrews Church Dearnley who have donated Easter Eggs for our clients. They are very much appreciated.
24 Mar 22
Thank You Cadburys
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Thank you Cadburys for your donation of Easter Goodies. Our clients will be delighted. They will be able to provide Easter treats for their families thanks to your generosity.
5 Feb 22
New Opening Times
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From Monday 7th February 2022 our opening time are extending: Monday – Friday 11.00 am – 12.30 pm
14 Dec 21
Lots Of People To Say THANK YOU Today
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Good afternoon to all you lovely people Lots of people to say THANK YOU today Emma Stokes from Littleborough did a Reverse Advent and donated items – thank you Emma The Beach Carvery and Pub, Hollingworth Lake, collected items during December – thank you to staff and customers of the Beach The Regal Moon collected […]
23 Nov 21
Thank You to Andrew Kelly and Yorkshire Building Society
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Thank you to the staff and customers of Andrew Kelly Estates agents and Yorkshire Building Society for you generous donations. Your are all wonderful.
23 Nov 21
Thank You So Much Tesco In-Store Collection
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Thank you to all store staff and customers for your help and generosity during our in-store collection last week. You donated a magnificent 92 creates of food stuff. This will make a huge difference to our clients.
20 Nov 21
The Beach Pub and Carvery
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Thank you to staff and customers of the Beach Pub and Carvery for helping to spread some Christmas cheer by supporting Rochdale Food Bank. You can leave your donations in the container provided. They are also hosting a Christmas Market on the 11th December – donations can be dropped off all afternoon. Carvery
17 Nov 21
Christmas Items
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We have started to receive Christmas items – thank you so much. We want to make the festive season as special as possible for our clients so we very happy to accept Christmas food/sweets etc.