News and Events
3 Apr 20
Morrisons £1 Million Food Donation
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As part of the national initiative, Morrisons store on Kingsway are actively involved in the £1 million donation to Foodbanks and other local charities. Around £1,000 of food is being delivered each Monday night and collected the following day. The Foodbank is in receipt of the largest part of this delivery and took first delivery […]
20 Dec 19
Rochdale 6th Form College – Christmas Donation
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Overwhelming amounts of food and essential items have been donated to Rochdale Foodbank and Rochdale Sanctuary Trust Soup Kitchen by our generous students and staff ahead of a difficult time of year for those in need. Donations were collected by the Students’ Union in exchange for wearing a Christmas jumper for the day. A whopping […]
20 Dec 19
Falinge Park High School – Christmas Donation & Messages
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Falinge Park High School’s Years 8 and 10 made an enormous pre-Christmas collection for Rochdale’s Foodbank delivered by four Year 8 students. The total weight of food raised was over 424 kg. When volunteers went to the school to say thank you to the year groups at their morning assemblies, the students produced two enormous sheets […]
9 May 19
Food Swap with Stockport Foodbank
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On Wednesday 8th May 2019, two volunteers from Rochdale Foodbank drove to Stockport to swap food which both foodbanks had an excess of for food that they were short of. We swapped just over 500 tins of veg for an equivalent amount of Pasta Sauce. In all we took 213.75 kg of tinned vegetables and […]
19 Dec 18
PAR Group Support – Fundraising
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Rochdale Foodbank would like to give a big shout out to the generous folk at PAR Group who have donated to Rochdale Foodbank and LW Storehouse. This kind donation comes at a time when we are seeing an dramatic increase in the number of people in food poverty. PAR Group commented… “The use of foodbanks […]
14 Dec 18
Anonymous Tesco Donation – Food Donation
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On Thursday 29th November Sylvia (a Wednesday volunteer) was asked by a member of her Pilates class which items the foodbank were short of – she mentioned milk and milky puddings. Members of Rochdale Foodbank were attending the store that day to collect public donations. Sylvia then said… “At 12.30 she popped into Tesco asking […]
23 Nov 18
Belfield School – Harvest Donation
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Pictured alongside pupils are Iain Wight and Margaret Ogden of Rochdale Foodbank. Congratulations to pupils and their families from Belfield Community School who supported Rochdale Foodbank during harvest time by donating a massive amount of food for the desperate people who need our help at this time of the year. A big thank you from […]
20 Nov 18
Rochdale Foodbank Celebrates 6 Years
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Rochdale Foodbank celebrated 6 years of operation at Rochdale Town Hall on Wednesday 14th November joined by Trussell Trust and dignitaries from the borough including the Mayor of Rochdale Mohammed Zaman. We have now been going for 6 years and although we hoped that we would see an end to food poverty, sadly this year […]
1 Oct 18
Rochdale Foodbank Newsletters
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As part of our initiative to share more information with our community about what we are doing, we are now releasing quarterly newsletters. Written and put together by our publicity co-ordinator Mr John Rowe. We will keep you updated with all that Rochdale Foodbank have been doing and how we are managing the donations that […]
27 Sep 18
Local Girls Help Out for Duke of Edinburgh Award – Fundraising
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Over the school holidays Rochdale Foodbank received generous help from three local schoolgirls taking part in the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme. This is the testimonial that the girls together wrote:- This year our chosen charity is the Rochdale Foodbank. We (Ellie, Amy and Becky) are doing our Silver Duke of Edinburgh Award and for our […]